An example of how to use the 4Ws: Mark 1:1-8

  1. What's happening in the passage? (Context) 
Q:  Who is Mark?
Characters:  John the Baptist in baptizing in wilderness
All Judea and Jerusalem being baptized in Jordan River
  1. What do I learn about God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit)? 
V1 good news of Jesus Christ, the Son of God
Jesus = Son of God
What does name Jesus mean?
What does name Christ mean?
V8  He will baptize you with HS
Jesus spiritually baptizes us in HS
Holy Spirit:
V8 Holy Spirit = a real being, part of our salvation
His baptism = something more than water baptism
  1. What do I learn about people? 
John Baptist:
V2 as it is written in Isaiah
He is the fulfillment of prophesy made in Isaiah
V4 preached a baptism of repentance and forgiveness
His message was about turning back to God  
V6 clothed with camel's hair, ate locusts and wild honey
He wasn't flashy or well kept = seems wild/out of control
V7 after me one is coming who is mightier than I
He is humble
-- recognizes his place compared to Messiah
-- isn't fit to untie thong of His sandal
People of Judea/Jerusalem
V5 all country going out to him
They were seeking something from God
V5 were being baptized…confessing their sins
Genuine life change -- willing to confess out loud the sins they are  turning from
  1. What does this have to do with my life?
    Truth:  John is humble
    V7 "He is mightier than I, unworthy to untie sandal"
    Q:  What's it look like in my life when I am not humble? Arrogant, consistently think I know best, think others owe me either time or respect  
    Q:  Are there specific people that I think I am better than right now?
    Q:  Are there specific people that I am unwilling to serve right now?
    Truth:  Good news involves repentance
    V4 John preached repentance
    V6 people confessed their sins out loud
    Q:  What sins in my life do I need to confess today?
    Q:  Why am I not more willing to confess sins to others as well?
    Q:  What specifically is God calling me to stop or let go of today?

An example of how to use the 4Ws: Mark 1:9-13

  1. What's happening in the passage? (Context)
    John is baptizing in the Jordan
    Jesus comes to him to get baptized
    Jesus goes to wilderness for 40 days and nights
  2. What do I learn about God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit)? 
    God - Father
    V11 voice from heaven -- You are my Beloved Son, in You I am well-pleased
    Declares that Jesus is His son
    He is encouraging the Son -- In you I am well- pleased = loves Him
    V9 Jesus from Nazareth in Galilee -- He had a home region
    Q:  Where is Nazareth, Galilee?
    V9 He was baptized by John in the Jordan
    Why?  He didn't need to confess sins because He was sinless
    -- As an example of obedience for us
    -- As a declaration of the start of public ministry
    V11 You are my beloved Son
    He is loved by the Father
    V13 He was in wilderness being tempted by Satan
    He knows what it means to be tempted -- more than me
    He knows the struggle of life -- 40 days in wilderness
    Holy Spirit
    V10 heavens open -- Spirit like a dove descending on Him
    HS is present at Jesus Baptism  
  3. What do I learn about people?
    John Baptist
    V9 baptized Jesus
    V13 tempted Jesus in wilderness 40 days
    He likes to attack when we are tired, hungry, weak
  1. What does this have to do with my life today? 
    Truth: Jesus is beloved Son
    Father states He loves the son and is well-pleased with Him
    Why? Because Son is obedient to the Father out of love
    Trinity = perfect in relationship for all of eternity
    = they didn't need us because they were lonely or unfulfilled
     Q:  What does it look like I don't understand Father's love for the Son and the Son's love for the Father?
    I think God needs my love, because He is deficient without it
    I think God's love is transactional, rather than unconditional
     Truth:  Jesus was tempted by Satan for 40 days and nights ,yet He was  without sin
    Q:  What does it look like when I forget Jesus was tempted?
    I think that I am the only one to ever face what I am facing
    I feel like it is impossible to overcome sin and temptation
    Q:  How can this truth encourage me today?
    He knows temptation = He knows what I am going through
    He knows what it is like to be exhausted, worn down and yet still have to resist Satan  
    What specific temptation do I need to trust Him with today?  
    Are there any other verses that I know of that may help with this today? 

An example of how to use the 4Ws: Mark 1:14-20

  1. What is happening in the passage? (Context)
    V14 John has been taken into custody
    V14 Jesus is preaching in Galilee
    V16-20 Jesus calls first disciples
  2. What do I learn about God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit)?
    V14 came into Galilee preaching
    Time is fulfilled, kingdom of God at hand
    Repent and believe in the gospel
    V16-17 Follow me and I will make you fishers of men
    Speaks with authority -- commands them to follow him
    Promises to make them into fishers of men = process
    Implies if he commands them to follow that He will lead
    V19-20 saw James and John, mending nets
    He sees people where they are and calls them to something different
  3. What do I learn about people?
    John the Baptist  
    V14 John had been taken into custody
    John's ministry and obedience cost him his freedom
    V16 they were fishermen who were fishing
    V18 Immediately left nets and followed Him
    They had immediate obedience to the call of Jesus
    They left behind their nets = their way of living/security/comfort
    James and John
    V19 fishermen who were mending their nets
    V20 they left father Zebedee and went to follow Him
    They had immediate obedience
    They left their father and the family business
  4. What does this have to do with my life  today? 
V17 Follow Me I will make you fishers of Men
Jesus promises if we follow Him to lead us and make us fishers of men
 Q:  What does it mean fishers of men?
We are responsible for casting, he is responsible for the catch
Q:  What does it look like when I forget this is what he wants to make of me?
I can get impatient in the process because making takes time
I can get distracted and forget his goal for me is catching men
Q:  What happens when I forget to follow Him?
I tried to lead because I think I know best
I get impatient with His plan and timing
I prioritize other things rather than the souls of men
V18, 20 they all left immediately to follow Jesus
It costs them a lot but was worth it to follow him
 Q:  Is there anything holding me back from following Jesus fully today?
Q:  Is there any cost I am afraid of having to pay in following Him? (comfort, security, loss of life, or relationships?)
 Q:  What does fishing for men look like in my context of life?